About Camberley Dental Practice

At Camberley Dental Practice, we offer all the services you typically need from a dentist, but with an emphasis on prevention. We would like our patients to keep their natural teeth throughout their life. On your first visit, we will ask you about your medical history and enquire whether you are experiencing any problems or pain with your teeth or gums.

Our examination involves making sure that all the lymph glands, muscles and joints in the head and neck are sound. The examination also ascertains whether the surrounding tissues are all healthy and that there is no pathology (cancer screening) in any of the soft and hard tissues in the mouth. Any problems found are investigated immediately, and discussed with the patient. Choices of treatment are offered and referrals are made right away.

During this examination we are looking for signs of infection, inflammation, swollen glands, ulcers, muscle function, movement of the joints. We also check for gum infections, bleeding and gum disease. And of course, we look at the state of the patient’s teeth, whether there is decay, de-calcification, resorption, signs of grinding, malocclusions. Radiographs are also taken.

If your teeth need a thorough cleaning or any other dental treatment, we will explain this in advance and discuss the options with you.

Camberley Dental Practice is using the latest technology in dentistry. This includes the digital X-ray machines which have a reduction of 95% of radiation exposure for the patient than ordinary systems which are commonly used in most dental surgeries in the UK.

Opening Times

Monday: 8.30am -1.00pm, 2.00pm-6.00pm

Tuesday: 8.30am -1.00pm, 2.00pm-6.00pm

Wednesday: 8.30am -1.00pm, 2.00pm-6.00pm

Thursday: 8.30am -1.00pm, 2.00pm-6.00pm

Friday: 8.30am -1.00pm, 2.00pm-4.00pm

Missed appointments

Please be aware that appointments missed or cancelled without 48 hours notice will be charged at a rate proportionate to the length of the missed appointment.

Emergency Treatment

Please telephone the surgery 01276 61626 and we will arrange treatment as soon as possible.